lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2011

My House

My grandmother’s house is a very big house. When you are in the street and you are approaching it you can notice it, because it’s different that the other houses. I lived there the first seven years of my life so is a place that I know very well. Now I am 17 years old and her house is still being in the same place, in the same street, but it does not feel the same house it was when I was 6 years old. I remember that the house has a very big garage where I used to play soccer there with my cousins until we could not play anymore. She has a relatively big patio with such an extensive variety of flowers (my grandmother has always liked flowers) like Bougainvillea s and other names that I cannot remember because it’s too complicated. In that patio there are also two trees one is a banana tree and the other one is a fig tree those trees have been there since I remember and they still there. The living room is very big with very comfortable furniture. My grandmother has always painted this living room with a white color that that is not pure white, I think   the color is ivory, but is a nice room to be in because it’s very quiet, also in the first floor there are three bedrooms. This are the rooms where I used to live in. the biggest one of the three is actually two rooms, because it has a little room next to it and it was always used as a small room where the T.V was and were I used to spend hours and hours playing videogames with my cousins too, this was my parents room. The room that is next to it was my room and it was kind of spooky because it’s very dark and you cannot see a thing when lights are turned off and it has a window that shows only a small room that we use to storage things so I have never liked that room. The room across the hall is pretty much the same as mine, but it has not the spooky window that mine has. The dining room is the first floor also and it has a wooden table with a glass top (that I have always been afraid of breaking) and a T.V where I used to watch my favorite shows when I returned from school. The kitchen is next to the dining room and next to it there is a corridor and there is where the washing machine is. The second floor has three more bedrooms and the biggest one with the bathroom next to it, was my grandparents room. The room that is next to that room was an empty room but it had a bed, it was very comfortable, and a closet. The last room is where my youngest uncle sleeps. It has a patio in the second floor too, but this one had a swing in the middle and I don’t remember if I ever used it because it was very small. My grandmother liked canaries and I remember that she had like 20 of them in a very big structure which had divisions for every of them to have their own individual place. Those canaries where part of my life because I grew up helping my grandmother to take care of them. Today I live in my own house with my parents and my sister and I go to my grandmother’s house once a month or with a little more frequency. The house is still the same structure, but everything has changed since i left. Now she rents one of the three bedrooms in the first floor to an old lady who is barely there to sleep. Almost a year ago a fire consumed the living room leaving it completely destroyed and the rest of the house was damaged because of the smoke so they had to make a lot of changes like changing the doors in the first floor so everything there changed a lot. I remember when I entered the living room after the fire that everything was burned in there and a I thought that a lot of things that I used to have there now were gone. In that living room there is a safe that belonged to my grandfather and it contains every single diploma and medal that I have won through my life. I remember that the safe was in the garage and it was like it nothing had happened there. So it made me think that everything would be okay. Now when I enter that living room is not the same as when I was 7 years old not only because of the fire but also because now it’s not the same place that I remember I feel something awful in the pit of my stomach because now I realize how things have changed.

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